Puff Cars, take two!
At a meeting with other school librarians, I learned about a project called a Puff Car. I was told this project is common in elementary...
At a meeting with other school librarians, I learned about a project called a Puff Car. I was told this project is common in elementary...
Younger students at our school used our first K'nex kit to build sculptures, hats, and things with wheels. TIP: be on the lookout at...
When in doubt, construction toys like these K'nex are great. One student spent three classes building a remote control car from the...
Our courageous volunteer, Francine, found inspiration on Pinterest for these concrete hands. We followed the link at InfoYouShouldKnow...
After hanging two lines of synthetic (colorful) twine across the span of the library, I offered students large balloons, straws, paper...
This idea was born from a post on Pinterest by TheArdentTeacher. After digging a little deeper, this lesson is available for download at...
There is no lack of instructions online for marshmallow shooters (guns). However, we chose to use the one at Wiki How. The 12 steps and...
The Montana State Library has traveling kits with makerspace materials. The Lego tub proved to be one of the most popular. This challenge...
Taking apart any electronic is an easy introduction to Maker culture. This was a VHS player that hadn't been checked out in several...
I had dominoes on my shopping list for Walmart. Fortunately our Industrial Arts program had some old ones lying around. Students worked...
Our daily "learning Cafe" studyhall likes to move. Shuffleboard is narrow enough to fit in our library hallway, and unfamiliar enough to...
Finding people willing to share their toys helps students play with motion and structures. In this picture you see students working with...