A few groups completed sculptures with parts scavenged from the original machines. The owl is a compilation of parts from an 8mm projector, our scrap box, and a can of metallic spray paint. The face you see is being distorted from the top plate of an old overhead projector. The artists also scavenged the arm and used a papertowel roll to support the structure. The robot sculpture is comprised of donations from a vcr, dvd player and the body of an overhead projector. They used an electric pen to write the names of all the group members on the mirror inside the projector box. A hat proved too heavy, but they tried a carousel from a slide projector and a fan from the film projector before deciding he might be finished. Students needed lots of reminders about what individual tools can and should do. The grease inside many of our donated equipment stained carpet and clothing. Be prepared to have many types of glue on hand. I recommend two part epoxy for securing metal to plastic.